Our memories countless...
Our friendship endless...
Godspeed, dear friends.
"To live in hearts we leave behind,
Is not to die."
Please take a moment to remember
our classmates who have passed away
This page is dedicated "In Loving Memory" to our 1970 classmates, and to our mentors, faculty, and coaches who have gone before us.
So that we may remember those who we've lost, if you have information to share, please go to the "Contact Us" page and use the form to send an email. Please include as much details as you can when sending in the information.
While we have endeavored to ensure the accuracy of the information listed, we apologize for any unintentional errors. Should we need to make any correction, or if there are additional information that you are able to provide, please let the web administrator know.
We appreciate the time each of you take to send an email. Thank you!
A Loving Tribute To Our Classmates Who Are No Longer Here