Reunion Countdown

October 2nd, 2025
5:30pm HST



October 2025 Reunion Update - eBlast Sent Out 9/21/24


Aloha Classmates!


Hoʻo Lōkahi "to bring together unity as one" is the phrase chosen for this Special Reunion Celebration in collaboration with the Classes of 1968, 1969, 1970, and 1971 (and of course, all other neighboring classmates that would like to join us).


After researching airfare prices for those that will be flying in to Honolulu, we concluded that the fall months, mid-September thru mid-October had the lowest airfare prices and therefore, we selected the week of October 2-5, 2025 as the dates to have the reunion.


As hard as it is to imagine, October 2025 will be here in a blink of an eye and once again it will be time for us to gather, to renew, to reminisce, and to celebrate in Honolulu, Hawaii, where it all began back in the halls of our Alma Mater.


We would like to see as many classmates as possible turn out. Please keep the dates open and make plans to attend, as we are at the time in our lives where “Life is Too Precious and Short”.


Listed are the events we are planning:

·         October 2, 2025 - Meet & Greet with Karaoke and ONO Grinds

·         October 3, 2025 - Radford High School Tour with Lunch

·         October 4, 2025 - Banquet Night

·         October 5, 2025 - Aloha Picnic


Since this is a combined reunion of four (4) classes, we will need a count of how many of you are serious and will definitely attend. The venue that we plan to contract our banquet with has several banquet rooms available and we need a count to secure a room that will hold our guest list. Therefore, please respond to our request to let us know “YES” you will attend or “NO” you will not attend. (More than 500 classmates have received the e-Blast that was sent out so we hope that we will receive a response from as many of you as possible!)


In addition, if you have any contact information of any classmates you might know who have yet to attend a reunion, we ask that you send them the contact form link below and tell them to register. On the other hand, if you have changed your address, email, phone number, etc. and you need to update your contact data, copy and paste the link below in your browser to get the form to do so.



Lastly, we are asking for your KOKUA! Your planning committee is determined to create a low-cost event that will draw the maximum number of attendees. Your donations will reduce event costs, provide money for deposits, and help pay for other pre-Reunion costs. Any amount of donation is greatly appreciated!



Once we send in our non-refundable deposits to secure our Meet and Greet and Banquet venues, sign the contract and get the cost details, we will post the event schedules and payment website for all to start turning in their payment.


Mahalo and we look forward to unite at our Hoʻo Lōkahi Reunion Celebration!



Your planning committee and fellow classmates,


Kathi Crose (Torio) and Janice Tung (Magsayo - Class of 1968

Rita Debebar (Gabrillo) - Class of 1969

Dina Smith (Cambe) - Class of 1970

Kathy Balsarick (Espinosa) - Class of 1971



P.S. Please do not ignore this request and reply with your response. Please do not respond with a "MAYBE", we need a “YES” Will Attend or “NO” Will Not Attend. If your reply is Yes, please indicate the number of people attending (You+1 Guest=2)












2025 will mark 55 years since we walked into the gymnasium and across the RHS platform to receive our high school diplomas. Let's get excited to celebrate our 55th Reunion in Honolulu, Hawaii with our Ram Brothers and Sisters from the Class of 1968, 1969, and 1971 and anyone else who would like to join us.




Those We Have Lost


So that we may remember those who we've lost, if you have information to share, please go to the "Contact Us" page and use the form to send an email. Please include as much details as you can when sending in the information.


The Class of 1970 Ohana sends their heartfelt condolences and prayers to the family of  Lani Ho who passed away on July 11, 2023 and Lawrence "Scott" Bucknell who passed away on January 14, 2024.







Mark Borreliz, Class President
40th Class Reunion
Friday, October 22, 2010

Something to read and ponder…..

Why Attend a Class Reunion?
I went to a committee meeting at Candy’s the other night.  We are having committee meetings every few months now in preparation for our 45th high school class reunion this coming  August.
There were six of us there, Barb, Becky, Candy, Cheryl, Kay and me (our only male committee member, Jerry,  was out of town — the one who is so good at reminding us we’re getting off track).  Barb, Becky and Cheryl are the relatively “new blood”  that is much needed for a committee that has been meeting every five years forever.
The hotel is booked and the program and menu will be planned closer to the time.  But there are always two items that we have to work on now:  finding addresses and/or e-mails in order to contact classmates, and, once we’re in contact with them, convincing more of them to attend!
I am always amazed at the number of classmates who even still live in this area, but never attend the reunions.
I think there are probably three common reasons that people don’t attend:
1.  They hated high school and have absolutely no interest in being
      reminded of
anything associated with it. (There’s not much we
      can do about this one.)
2.  If their friends from high school aren’t going to be there, they
      don’t think they
will have a good time.
3.  They are afraid they won’t look as good or be as successful as
      the other
It’s the last two that I wish we could somehow convince them are non-issues.
Regarding number two:  Hello?  It’s been forty-five years!  Who the heck remembers everyone they were friends with in high school?  At this point, you are getting together with people who have common memories of your teenage years.  There is something so fun about sharing memories of a favorite teacher or a memorable hang-out, even with someone who you didn’t know very well then.  (And, since most of us have really bad memories by now, we’ll be able to compare the same memories at our next reunion in five years, and neither one of us will remember, so it will be like a new conversation!
And, number three.  At 63 years old — we are all waaaayyyy past caring about that “looks” and “career” stuff.  Yes, there are some who are more “well-preserved” than others, but there are many more of us who  just look like what we are … people in their sixties!  And, you know, at this age, everyone is friendly and glad to see everyone else, and there’s hardly any talk about “careers” because most of us don’t have one any more!  So, if  you smile and look like you’d like to have a conversation, someone will feel “invited” by that smile, and strike up a conversation with you.  I’d bet on it.
So, now dear readers, here’s my request of you.  Becky, one of the “rookies” who has really taken to this reunion stuff, suggested that in our initial mailing, we have a fun list of “Top Five Reasons You Should Attend the Reunion.”  I think that’s a great idea and I know there must be some terribly clever things we could put on that list, I just can’t think of them.
So, how about helping me look “brilliant” to my fellow committee members for our next meeting, by giving me any ideas you have for reasons we could put on that list?
I’m looking forward to seeing what ideas you might have.


Here are some reasons we could put on that list!
10.  To remember when Madonna was still a virgin.
  9.  To see what color hair the girls have now and how many guys
        still have their hair.
  8.  To remember when MTV actually played music.
  7To find out "Where's the Beef"?
  6.  No swimsuit competition.
  5.  To remember when Prince was Prince.
  4.  If we don't get enough reservations, we'll have to have the
       reunion at Denny's.
  3.  To remember special moments at our favorite H/S hangout.
  2.  To remember the days when people didn't pay to get a tan.
And the #1 Reason to Attend the Reunion Weekend
  1.  Like, Oh My Gahd! The Reunion won't be the same without
       you! Fur Sure Dude!


And more reasons to attend your class reunion....
1.  Because you still can! (Life is short...each day and milestone
      should be celebrated).
2.  Because you're never too cool for your high school friends (and
      you'll be missed if you don't show up).
3.  Ummm...who else is gonna fill in the blanks in your failing
4.  Because we really want to see you!! Who knows when there
      might be another reunion.
5.  And finally, studies have shown that those who were initially
      hesitant about attending their reunions, discover it was the
      event that they wouldn't have missed!!!

A Philosophy on Life

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open area between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "yes."
The professor then produced two beers from under the table and poured the contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
"Now," said the professor as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things--your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions--and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.
The sand is everything else--the small stuff. If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spent all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.
Pay attention to the things that are critical for your happiness. Spend time with your children. Spend time with your parents. Visit with grandparents. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first--the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the beer represented. The professor smiled and said, "I'm glad you asked. The beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of beers with a friend."   ....Author unknown




1970 Alumni Class Profile
There are many classmates who are not into the 'social media' stuff as well as classmates who are unable to attend class reunions or other class get-togethers, so it is this website that they stop by to visit and to catch up. It would not only be wonderful, but ever so meaningful and heartfelt if more of you would register and add your profile to the '1970 Alumni Profile' page.




Missing Alumni
The quest to locate as many classmates, if not all, continues!
Although the Commencement Program lists 483 graduating seniors, many students left before graduation due to their parents' military reassignment, or  because their families relocated out of district.

If you are in contact with a classmate that is listed as missing on the 'Missing Alumni' page, or any classmate who attended Radford that would have graduated in 1970, please send us their contact information or send them a message to let them know that we are here.


Here are some links of interests to other websites:

Official Radford High School, Class of 1970 - Facebook Group Page (Must be a member and registered to log-in)

Radford High School - Official School Website
Radford High School Alumni - Must be registered to view this site

Radford High School A meeting place for anyone who went to Radford High School in Honolulu, Hawaii any time in their lives.(Must be registered to log-in)

Radford High School Class of 1968 - Facebook Group Page (Must be a member and registered to log-in)

Radford High School Class of 1971 - Facebook Group Page (Must be registered to log-in and must click on the "Like" button to view page)

Radford High School Honolulu, HI Alumni (1960s and 1970s)Reunite with Radford Ram classmates from the 1960s and 1970s. (Must be registered to log-in)

This site is hosted by Myevent.com. This is an “All Volunteer Effort” paid for by personal funds and is not supported by donations from Radford High School, Class of 1970 Classmates, or Sponsors. If you would like this website to continue, please go to the "Contact Us" page and use the form to send an email to request for the mailing address to send in your donation. Your support to help keep this website active would really be appreciated. Mahalo!
Use of Personal Information
We respect your privacy! Personal information that you enter or send will not be sold, shared, swapped, or otherwise disclosed. Contact information will only be used to send out e-Blasts for class related purposes. If at anytime you would like to be removed from the class database, please use the form on the 'Contact Us' page to send an email.